Friday, August 1, 2008

Page from Crack the fat-loss Code

     When you eat food, your body uses it as fuel. But fuel is worthless if the body can’t tap into some of it now, some of it later and some in case of emergency. Fortunately, when you eat,     the body has the ability to tap into what you eat for energy.

    Like most machines, you body seeks the path of least resistance. That’s why carbohydrates are your body’s first choice for it’ main source of energy; they digest first and then the body also makes them readily available or stores them for later use.

     The body’s muscles can be likened to its internal storage shed; what it stores there is glycogen.  When we talk about glycogen, this is just a fancy word for stored energy from carbohydrate consumption. So as we have seen, energy is either used right away or stored as glycogen while the extra spills over into fat, which is why there is a fat-loss code to crack in the first place.

     The way your body uses energy is interesting.  When you’re not feeding yourself, the body is still functioning. So where does it get its energy even when you’re not scarfing down proteins, carbohydrates, or fats?  Well, here is where we return to our electric calculator, which is like the body has three energy sources: a plug that goes into the wall, a battery back up, and if all else fails and there is no wall to plug into or the batteries go bad, a solar panel strip that serves as a kind of backup generator.

     Here is how the body-machine-calculator breaks down:

·         Electricity: The juice the calculator gets from being plugged directly into the wall can be compared to the instant energy gets from absorbing carbohydrates, the digestion of which begins on the tongue, for quick-source fuel.

·         Batteries: So what happens of your not eating and still need fuel? Well, that can be likened to your needing to use your calculator when there is no electrical outlet available. You can still add with it (use electricity), because there is a battery pack for just such an occasion. In the body, this battery pack is the glycogen stored in the body’s muscles. With no direct fuel source to pull from – no food being eaten – the body will call on this glycogen second to satisfy its energy needs. So the glycogen stored I the muscle is the body’s battery pack.

·         Solar panel: So what happens of you have no electricity available for your calculator and the back up batteries go dead? Guess what; you can still use the calculator, and for quite some time, because the emergency default is located on that handy little solar panel at the top of your calculator. How does this match up in the human body? Here is what it’s so important to crack the fat-loss-code; as means of last resort, only after the body has used the direct fuel from the food you eat or fuel from the glycogen in you muscles, it will then, and only then, use the fat stored in your fat cells for energy.

     So as we can see, for the body to break down fat and actually start using it as energy, we have to burn through not only the food you eat four to six times a day but also the glycogen stored away in the body’s muscles. We have to try running only on solar power, our backup energy source. When you crack the fat-loss-code, losing fat is as easy as adding on your calculator.


  1. Interesting entry Emmi, Hugs Lisa

  2. I love this I get it .. I just have to do it ..
