Tuesday, November 20, 2007

TC Challenges for the Day

Exercise Animations

Starting Position
Lie on left side, legs straight, knees together, resting head on right hand or extended arm. Place right hand flat on the ground in front of you for balance.

EXHALE: Squeeze the right thigh to raise right leg until it forms a 45 degree angle with the ground. Hold for 2 seconds.

INHALE: Return to start.

Complete reps and switch sides.

Special Instructions
Keep foot flexed through entire movement, toes facing forward (not up).

Muscles Worked: Outer thigh, Hips



Exercise Animations
Starting Position
Lie on the floor or a mat on your back, with knees bent. Grasp a lightweight dumbbell in two hands, palms facing out, arms extended straight into the air above your shoulders . Feet should be flat on the ground. Keep a space between your chin and chest (looking diagonal towards the ceiling)

EXHALE: Slowly curl head, shoulders, and upper body off the ground, reaching the dumbbell towards the ceiling. Try to reach higher than your feet.

INHALE: Slowly return to start to complete one rep.

Special Instructions
Use abdominals and hips (not your shoulders) to lift the weight. Keep abs contracted (pull navel towards spine) throughout entire movement.

Muscles Worked: Abs

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